A. Grey: American Vista

Book launch at Printed Matter Chelsea
October 24, 2024

Join us for the launch of American Vista at Printed Matter Chelsea. This book sculpture from artist A. (Annie) Grey questions man’s attempts to build upon and transform our natural world, remaking nature as a white capitalist dreamscape.

Seeking to play with this gaze, in American Vista Grey merges photographs taken on a 2016 road trip in the American southwest with stripper cards collected on the Las Vegas Strip. For Grey, the stripper cards also evoked highway billboards, advertising everything from women to national parks and monuments. Through this visual juxtaposition, Grey aims to reassemble these elements and examine the extent of man’s manufacturing—extending beyond advertisements and buildings into words, monuments, and land itself. American Vista demonstrates the manufactured entities that make up the real American Dream: a waking nightmare of a flawless facade.

Copies of American Vista are available for preorder here.

A.(Annie) Grey is a queer nonbinary multidisciplinary artist based in Brooklyn, NY. Their work is community-based and an ongoing conversation involving nature, a sociological exploration of fear and trauma, and questioning societal norms. They encourage people to play with the pieces they create!
