A Line Which Forms a Volume: 7
A Line Which Forms a Volume 7 aims to build the ‘networked structure of feeling’ where it documents and explores the role of emotions in the process of design research.
By unravelling the emotions embedded in the processes of design research, the seventh volume opens the gate to a ‘discursive space where stories can be told’: allowing affective interpretations and connections to spread and extend through the issue, to the public. It serves as a platform that promotes emotional readings and affective processes through visual prompts but also intricately weaves together the diverse subjects within its network.
Artists: MA GMD 2022-23 cohort: Chengbo Yao, Yang Sun, Cheng Chang, Sea Ho, Yankai Pei, Pauline Hill, Hyowon Choi, Huazheng Wang, Maja Rohde, Suting Chen