“This book is the transposition of a documentary video made by Sophie Dloussky. The documents she has gathered for that part have been found in Marseille and Erevan. Sophie Dloussky focussed on Nansen passports, which benefitted to Armenian emigrants fleeing Armenian genocide and to Russian emigrants leaving their country because of the Russian Revolution. Sophie Dloussky’s grandparents and great grandparents were part of those emigrants and appear at the end of the film.
That episode is part of a documentary project that has been started in 2017. A first series of 8 episodes was called Car il faut toujours garder la mémoire pour que l’histoire ne s’efface pas (For one must always remember so history does not fade away). The project continues with a second series which is called La Poussière comme élément du combat (Dust as a Factor of Combat). That episode is the first part of the second series.
Sophie Dloussky’s Russian family has left Russia at the time of the Russian Revolution with no hope to ever come back. Her grandfather was from a Russian Polish family and her grandmother from a Russian Armenian family. Sophie Dloussky is tracing back the steps of her grandparents and great grandparents while also getting to know more about people who have similar stories as them: same culture, same origins and same emigration journeys…”