Double Take is a series of publications with a focus on creative writings and other means of conveying ideas, highlighting particular subjects through various interpretations.
The second issue, On Luxury, seeks to find what the concept of luxury means to different people—based on their life experiences, personal perspectives, and external factors out of our control. The pieces range from an experimental poetry made from ‘readymades’ of apartment advertisements, meditations on togetherness, to reflections on the value of inner peace.
Edited by Almer Mikhail, with contributions by Anastasya Lavenia, Daryl Lim Wei Jie, Feransis, Ibrahim Soetomo, Jean Y. Kim, Joseph Adisurya, Made Diah Negara, P.L., Shaquille Noorman, Tanya Eirena, Tarani Dinanty, and Tidar Albarkah. -Publisher