Standing in parallel with the first book of the OTHERS project, which saw two distant artists merge together as they travelled along crossing lines towards ends which were both shared and separate, this new book makes clear the relationship between these two ends, which were realized as two distant exhibitions, one in Tokyo and the other in Antwerp, built by each artist in isolation yet through the accumulating influence of the other, forming an intricate structure which spanned space and time.
( ) The book as a single object is built through the combination of two intact distinct objects. These two objects differ in material and content, each representing one of the two exhibitions. Beginning as flat sheets, layer by layer these two objects are merged together in an alternating but random order. After being fully combined, these sheets are folded in half, and suddenly the two exhibitions become intertwined, juxtaposed and connected—transcending vast distance to reveal their existence as reflections of one another, walls blending together, lines drawn by different hands joining trajectories, like two parallel instances of the same state of being, the collaboration in visualized and made tangible. -Publisher
Cover is variable (may say Segment 2 or Segment 3).