This is a sculptural piece meant to be opened, flipped around, examined, meditated with, laid out on a table, hung from a paperclip on your corkboard, burned in a ritual, or whatever else you want to do with it. This is a safe way to hold SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) without worrying about transmission, or needing to quarantine.
I hope that REPLICATION MEDITATION can be engaged with in whatever way that you need it to be, whether that is processing grief caused by SARS-CoV-2, to create space to think about how the past couple years of the pandemic has affected you, or just as a piece of art made during the pandemic. Hopefully it will also peak your interest to learn more about viruses and to open the doors to curiosity and wonder, instead of always encountering them with fear. -Caroline Kern//Pegacorn Press