Some Other Books’ Logos is an artists’ book, coloring book and alternative guide to small press publishing.
The book features 174 logos from a mix of artists’ book, zine and photo book publishers, and the bookstores, art book fairs, libraries, print shops and distros that support and distribute these types of publications.
All of the logos in the book were re-drawn from the originals by Zaiah Drawing* (age 8). Each page can be flipped independent of those below or above it, for an interactive reading / drawing experience.
Inside of each folded page you’ll find the name, short bio and Instagram handle of the logo pictured opposite.
*Zaiah Drawing is a third grader who likes making books: Some Other Book(i)s(h) Logos is their third publication after I’m a Drawing and You’re a Drawing (2024).
Book design and production by Kristen Mueller (Some Other Books).
Launched at Printed Matter during Gift Island 2024.