***Please note - this is a secondhand copy and priced accordingly. Please note photos before purchasing.
An amusement park is a variety show; it is a way to mask a mess. Marrying a discordant blend of documentary photography, studio improvisations, and impertinent portraits, these images navigate through a sketchy trip of frivolous entertainment, hobbyist tinkering, and the facade of luxury, all while threatening to malfunction in the process. Manic and colorful, the manicured world represented in this work is more akin to a comedown than a high.
Geeting’s work sees a lot of circulation online. With Amusement Park we wanted to anchor the work to the printed page. We did not want to render on a reflective surface what is, in fact, meant to be seen on a backlit, digital screen. In the name of Geeting’s light and devil-may-care image making style and as referenced in the title, we bombard the viewer with four different paper stocks, traditional cmyk printing mixed with subjective, multicolor Pantone color profiles developed by Swiss design studio Colorlibrary.ch, all topped with rattlecan typography and wrapped in a plastic cover, ready to bring on your next log ride. - Lodret Vandret